Yao Du

Assistant Professor, Monmouth University

Location Monmouth County

Pronouns she/her

Email address yadu@monmouth.edu

Photo of Yao Du

Biographical information

Yao Du is a bilingual Mandarin-English speaking speech-language pathologist, a human-computer interaction researcher, and an amateur game designer. She currently works as an assistant professor and clinical supervisor in Speech-Language Pathology at Monmouth University in New Jersey, where she conducts research in areas of telehealth, bilingual assessment, and voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa. She has clinical experiences working in private practices, private schools, skilled nursing facilities, hospitals, and home health, and also holds the Advanced Telehealth Coordinator Certificate from the University of Delaware. She enjoys offering accent coaching services to Mandarin-English speakers, training special educators and clinical practitioners internationally, and providing consultations to startup companies in digital therapeutics and assistive technology.